Language: Bulgarian
Foursquare Albania
Founded in 1994 by Dimitar “Mitko” Dimitrov.
National Leader:

Dimitrov, Dimitar “Mitko” & Vania
Dimitar was a veterinarian for 10 years and his wife, Vania, was an economist before they went into fulltime ministry. When revival came to Bulgaria in 1990, they started ministering to a group of 20 people that soon grew to 500. Dimitar quit his job and in the summer of 1990 founded Zion Christian church. They held crusades, started a Bible college, and planted churches. In 1994, after developing relationships within Foursquare, they joined the Foursquare Church.
Shortly after that, the Dimitrovs sent a missionary couple from their church to the Muslim area in southern Bulgaria, where there are no Christian churches. By 2002, the Foursquare Church in Bulgaria grew to 30 congregations, fifteen of which sprang up among the Gypsy population, which numbers more than 540,000. Vania has earned a bachelor’s degree from Vision Bible College and serves full-time in ministry alongside her husband. Dimitar and Vania have two adult children: Nikolina and Ivo.
Our Strategy to Reach the Nation
Foursquare Bulgaria is all about church planting and evangelism. We believe that building strong local churches is God’s way to reach the nation. Today, we have developed into a strong and vital family of churches. The headquarters church in the city of Stara Zagora has approximately 250 members while all the churches have a combined total of about 2,000 members. Church planting seminars and a Bible institute have been established to raise up and train new leaders. In addition, the church continues to evangelize the large Gypsy population for further church planting.