Albania flag


Language: Albanian











*Sunni & Bektashi

Foursquare Albania

Foursquare Albania was founded by missionaries to Albania, Chris & Laura Dakas in 2003.  There are currently five Foursquare Albania churches: Tirana, Saranda (2), Erseka and Korca.  Two church plants are also currently in progress.

In addition to the churches in Albania, Foursquare Albania is helping develop national works in two other nations with significant ethnic Albanian populations.  Kosovo currently has one Foursquare church and several village works. Macedonia (30-40% ethnic Albanian & 60-70% Macedonian/Slavic) currently has one church (Macedonian).

National Leader:

(Board's President)


Sokol Zefi

Sokol was appointed as the new national leader of Foursquare Albania in 2017.  Due to its unique culture and background Foursquare Albania follows a board/eldership leadership model.  Sokol is the president of the board whereas four other Foursquare Albania Pastors and/or church leaders fill the other board positions.  They meet regularly to discuss and plan together the future of Foursquare Albania.

In addition to being the national leader (president of the board), Sokol and his wife, Mirela, pastor the “Source of life ” Foursquare Church which they planted in the capital city of Tirana in 2013.  For 18 years they have been involved in church planting and they have a heart to reach their country through building strong and healthy relationships and to help bring healing specifically to those who are heartbroken.  Sokol and Mirela have been married for 20 years and have 3 children.

Foursquare Missionaries in Albania

Chris and Laura Dakas have been serving in Albania since 1991. In addition to starting the Foursquare work in Albania, they founded the Stephen Center ( in 1993, which is a multi-faceted (not limited to a well-known restaurant and bed & breakfast) ministry in the heart of the capital city.  The Dakas’, after recently passing the leadership of Foursquare Albania to Sokol Zefi and the new board, continue to partner in developing Foursquare Albania while focusing primarily on Business as Mission.

Sean & Vita Mason pastor the Mission Emanuel Foursquare Church in the southeast city of Korce.  Sean has been in Albania since 2001, whereas Vita (a Lithuanian native) joined Sean after their wedding in 2008.  Sean also serves as a member of the Foursquare Albania board.  Sean & Vita have four children.

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